I Feel Pretty, Oh So Pretty! – New Logo & Post Roundup

I can’t believe it’s the end of November already! Where has the year gone? It seems like just yesterday I was welcoming Spring and all the colors it brings. Now I’m watching the myriad of Fall colors slowly fade into the simple palette of Winter.

In case you haven’t noticed, Musings on a Whim has a new logo! Check it out:

Musings on a Whim Logo

I know most people reinvent things during at New Year’s, but I couldn’t wait! I wanted something bright and fresh for the blog, to breathe a sort of new life into it. I wanted to maintain the whimsy, but #keepitsimple . I hope you like it!

I’ve also decided to launch a new feature for this blog: Monthly Roundups. At the end of each month, I’ll gather a handful of posts from Musings on a Whim and other blogs around the web and link them all in one place. (Psst – if you have a blog, and would love to be featured, email me at musingsonawhim@hotmail.com) There will be themes, and I’ll be featuring my friend’s blogs as well. All in the name of spreading the #whimsy and #love!

Because this was a pretty spur-of-the-moment decision, this month I’m featuring posts from my own blog. Here we go!

November 2015 Post Roundup at Musings on a Whim

It only makes sense to start at the beginning – with my very first blog post. If you haven’t check out my poem Summer is a Woman yet, go give it a read!

One of my most inspired and favorite posts is about Finding the Calm in the Storm . This post is all about how to deal when difficult situations come up (which they will, especially as we approach the #holidays ). Get some good tips for #stayingpresent and surfing the waves of your emotions!

Finding the Calm in the Storm at Musings on a Whim
English Proverb


Back in September, I wrote about How to Let go of #FOMO. This was also one of my favorite posts. I was inspired by how much I cared about posting on social media and what I was missing out on, and I noticed a similar streak in some of my friends. If you ever feel left out as you browse your social media feeds, this post is for you!

October brought to me the realization of how much I was missing some loved ones who had passed. I wrote about The Importance of Honoring Our Grief because I noticed that in my particular experience, I did not feel free to express this as needed. It’s the time of year where we’re all prone to missing people. Let this post guide you to honoring and accepting whatever arises for you this #holidayseason .

Flowing River

Last, but not least, don’t forget to #begrateful during the holidays! #Gratitude isn’t only for Thanksgiving. It’s so easy to feel a sense of *insert any emotion that is not centered around contentment and abundance here* during this time of year. Take a few moments to learn about How Being Consistently Thankful Will Improve Your Life. #StayGrateful , my friends!

Well, there you have it: some of my favorite blog posts from this blog…so far. I hope to fall more and more in love with creating and sharing with you, and can’t wait to see this blog grow. Thanks for stopping by!

PS – See that gofundme button over there? That’s for my friend Carley. We’re trying to help cover moving costs to bring her and her family back to Texas. Click the link to learn about her story, and how you can help. Thanks so much!

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